Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why Can't I Get Just One

#50: Violent Femmes/Violent Femmes. This CD gave a voice to my angst. It was one of the first things I heard when I got to college that made me think - hey, there is more to life than classic rock! Not a great overall CD, but some absolutely classic tunes: Blister in the Sun, Add it Up, Gimme the Car, Kiss Off, and the song with the best xylophone solo of all time: Gone Daddy Gone.


Trevor said...

Well, it looks like we've gone off track already. I don't know if I can agree with this pick, even though the VF's were from Milwaukee and allegedly are the best band to ever come out of Wisconsin.
Are you gonna have "Sam's Town" by The Killers somewhere in your Top 50? If you don't, then I want you to go back and replace "Violent Femmes" with "Sam's Town." Or even better, maybe replace it with "Personal Best" by Team Dresch, since I think "Sam's Town" should be up higher somewhere.

CTV said...

Trevor, I am sure you will scorn many of my picks. Which is one of the reasons I am doing this!! No one is better at witty scorn.

Ahhh...Team Dresch. Is there more potent lesbian anthem then Fagetarian and Dyke???? I think not. Forgot about this one, but might need to make it #51.

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued that this record opened your music world past classic rock. I just think of it as a college rock record...Interesting.

CTV said...

But you were ahead of the curve Jackie...listening to college rock in high school. For those of us listening to Billy Joel for 18 years, VF was a revelation.