Sunday, July 6, 2008


Welcome to my first blog! We are hoping to use this blog as a documentation of our trip to New Zealand, which starts very soon on July 14. We are frantically trying to get prepared for our two month stay. We very much want to keep friends and family updated on our adventures, and hope that this blog will help you stay in touch and enjoy our adventure with us! Feel free to leave notes or drop a line whenever you can.

The title of the blog is a reference to the manuka plant, from which comes an allegedy very delicious honey (and we are very into our honey these days). Hopefully we can bring some home!


Anonymous said...

What a cute little place!
Can't wait to follow along your journey!!!
-Amara, Rob, Breadan and Sierra!

Unknown said...

You'll love NZ--make sure to race their America's Cup sailboat (you board right across from where you'll be staying). Oh, and don't forget the LOTR soundtrack as you drive through the southern island range!